SaladStop! Singapore: Salad bowls, Wraps & Smoothies




Elevate your personal Growth. Each month, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey that will elevate your life in exciting new ways. Our challenges are thoughtfully designed to push boundaries, foster resilience, and ignite positive change, all while being easy to implement into your daily life. Whether you’re seeking to incorporate healthier eating habits, establish a consistent exercise routine, or enhance your mental well-being, our challenges provide the perfect opportunity to set and achieve meaningful goals. Join us and become part of our vibrant community as we challenge ourselves to be better, stronger, and more fulfilled individuals, one month at a time.

Say Bye-Bye Sugar for 21 Days!

What’s the Plan?
For the next 21 days, we’re ditching added sugars. That means things like added sugar, syrups, and those sneaky sweeteners are out. But fruits? They’re still our besties!

How It Works:
Every day comes with a small task to help us learn and stay on track. And hey, why not hop into our FacebookĀ  and WhatsApp group? Our in-house nutritionist will be there, sharing tips, giving advice, and answering any questions. It’s also a great spot for us to share, motivate, and have some light-hearted fun.


Kick-off Date:
Our official challenge begins on Monday, June 3, 2024. But hey, if you’re eager, feel free to jump in anytime!

Our 21-Day Sugar-Free Adventure (download to your calendar):

Day 1
Get started and read your Challenge starter pack!
Day 2
Get to know more about this Challengeā€™s food list.
Day 3
Learn more about Natural and Added Sugar here
Day 4
Educate yourself on how to read nutrition labels and how to spot hidden sugars here.
Day 5
Bike/Run/Dance or any moving activity you like for 30 minutes!
Day 6
Curb your sugar cravings by opting to get 1 sugar-free snack at SaladStop! today.
Day 7
Drink 8 glasses of Water today!
Day 8
Instead of sugar on your oatmeal, try sprinkling cinnamon instead.
Day 9
Get creative and design your own SaladStop! salad using no added sugar ingredients.
Day 10
Go for a walk for 30 minutes today.
Day 11
Eat slowly, savor each bite, and avoid distractions like screens or multitasking while you eat.
Day 12
Prepare your own no added sugar lunch!
Day 13
Eat 3 servings of fruit today
Day 14
Head to SaladStop! and treat yourself to a creamy and satisfying sugar-free acai bowl
Day 15
Create a no-sugar hearty breakfast.
Day 16
Explore sweet substitutes today in baking
Day 17
Create your own juice without added sugars.
Day 18
Consume 3 servings of low glycemic index vegetables.
Day 19
Make sure to turn your sweet cravings to 30 minutes of physical activity today.
Day 20
Consume only whole, unprocessed foods today.
Day 21
Go to SaladStop and get a smoothie!